Your Adventure Begins Now

The Cadet experience at Eagle Aerospace Military Academy will expose you to continuous fun and challenging activities in addition to the academic program. Cadets participate in athletics, extra-curricular programs, community service, leadership laboratories, and of course, flight training. Take a look below at the typical activities for each scholastic year during your EAMA Cadet experience. 

rigorous academics

Many of our Cadets aspire to higher education at elite universities like the United States Air Force Academy. Consequently, EAMA has designed its academic program to prepare Cadets to be highly competitive for the USAFA admissions process. Cadets will complete:

  • 4 years of Mathematics

  • 3 years of Science

  • 4 years of English Language Arts

  • 4 years of Modern Languages

  • 2 years of Computer Science

  • 3 years of Social Science


Cadets begin glider training upon enrollment at EAMA. Cadets are expected to become proficient pilots, and solo by the end of their 4th Class year. Most Cadets will be able to complete their Private Pilot Certificate - Glider, during their 3rd Class year (must be 16yr old). Flying continues in your final two years with opportunities to train for powered flight and lighter-than-air flight.


All Cadets are co-enrolled as members of the Civil Air Patrol or the Scouts BSA. They are expected to participate in at least two extra-curricular activities with CAP/BSA, and serve in leadership roles at their local units.

competitive athletics

All Cadets participate in the athletic program throughout their time at EAMA. The athletic program centers on the events of the Modern Pentathlon, which include epee fencing, 10m air pistol shooting, 200m freestyle swimming, 800m medium distance running, and obstacle racing.

[ Year 1 ]

4th Class Cadet

Your 4th Class year is equivalent to a freshman year at a traditional school. Cadets are introduced to cadet life and engage in beginner level activities.

Key outcomes for the 4th Class Cadet are:

  • Strong study habits for independent learning

  • Sense of personal responsibility for own success

  • Time management

Course of Instruction

[ Year 2 ]

3rd Class Cadet

Your 3rd Class year (Sophomore year) is academically difficult and requires additional coursework. Cadets engage in intermediate level activities, participate in junior varsity athletics, and fly regularly.

Key outcomes for the 3rd Class Cadet are:

  • Complete glider pilot training/licensing

  • Begin leading others and taking responsibility for small groups

  • Successfully manage greater course/work load

[ Year 3 ]

2nd Class Cadet

Your 2nd Class year (Junior year) is the most difficult year as a Cadet at EAMA. In addition to your academic and extracurricular schedule, you will begin focused college preparation. As a 2nd Class Cadet, you will have substantial opportunities to lead other Cadets. Finally, you will and compete in varsity athletics.

Key outcomes for the 2nd Class Cadet are:

  • Make preparations for your college career

  • Mentor, lead, and train junior Cadets

  • Compete in varsity athletics

  • Complete additional aeronautical training

  • Engage in optional cultural programs

[ Year 4 ]

1st Class Cadet

Your 1st Class year (Senior year) prepares for life after EAMA. Cadets supervise the instruction of junior cadets, complete college preparatory courses, and may choose to compete in higher level athletic and extra-curricular events.

Key outcomes for 1st Class Cadets are:

  • Solid preparation for college study or industry employment

  • Practical leadership experience

  • Thorough aeronautical training

  • Well-roundedness with a passion for life-long learning