1st Class Cadet

Courses and Activities


Cadets are expected to complete a minimum of 4 scholastic units during their 1st Class year.

  • 1 Mathematics Unit

  • 1 English Language Arts Unit

  • 1 Modern Language Unit

  • 1 Computer Science Unit

    Additionally, 1st Class Cadets may want to complete additional courses:

  • 1 ACT or SAT Preparation Course

  • 1 College Writing Course

  • 1 Science Elective

  • 1 Social Studies Elective


1st Class Cadets are given the option to continue with varsity athletics as a competitive Pentathlete, or they may choose to focus on a single discipline of the modern pentathlon. All disciplines are practiced as individual sports at the collegiate level. Therefore, Cadets may wish to train in a specific discipline to prepare for intercollegiate or intramural competition in college.


Cadets pursuing powered flight training will complete their Private Pilot - Single Engine, during their 1st Class year. The basic academic workload has been reduced specifically to provide additional time for Cadets to fly.

Cadets that have remained in the glider program will continue to fly regularly and may have the opportunity to pursue commercial or CFI certification.


Leadership training for 1st Class Cadets is primarily achieved through their own supervision of junior Cadets, as well as advanced leadership roles within their CAP/BSA units. 1st Class Cadets are senior officers in the EAMA program, and are responsible for mentoring, tutoring, and guiding 3rd and 2nd Class Cadets in leadership roles. 1st Class Cadets may assist as instructors for Character Development, Civics, or junior varsity athletics.


All cadets are co-enrolled in either the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program or Scouts BSA. All cadets must remain co-enrolled and active in their respective units throughout their time as Cadets of EAMA. Follow the links below for additional CAP or BSA program expectations for 2nd Class Cadets.

Extra-curricular activities

1st Class Cadets are encouraged to seek external internships to expand their perspective on life outside of a controlled academic environment. They may also continue in regular extracurricular activities and may coach or mentor junior cadets. The lack of formal extracurricular activities does not excuse Cadets from participating extracurriculars. Instead, it provides Cadets with the opportunity to choose activities that are meaningful and fulfilling for each individual Cadet.


2nd Class Cadets are encouraged to explore foreign exchange opportunities for a summer, a semester, or even an academic year. Planning for a foreign exchange program will require Cadets to complete additional academic units prior to their time abroad. However, the experience is worth the extra effort, and is encouraged the faculty cadre.