Become an EAMA Cadet

Your path to becoming an EAMA Cadet begins with a few simple step:

  1. Sumbit an EAMA Cadet Application

  2. Create an AZ ESA Application

  3. Affiliate Class Wallet with EAMA

    For questions or assistance with the enrollment procedure, please contact an admissions counselor here.

    Admissions counselors are available Monday-Friday, 9AM to 3PM Eastern.

    Follow the links below to complete the enrollment process.

Cadet application

Download and complete the EAMA Cadet application. Email the completed application to Admissions.

Arizona esa application

Complete the Arizona Department of Education ESA Application. This system is for your AZ Universal Education Voucher.

Class wallet

Once your ESA application has been approved, associate your Class Wallet with EAMA to submit your Universal Education Voucher.

join us out here

your future as an EAMA cadet is waiting